Lesson and Practice Format
Five-finger patterns, scales, chords and arpeggios. Also may include other strength or agility exercises, Dozen-A-Day, Hanon, etc.
All students will have either a note-speller or theory book. Some students may have both.
“One-week” pieces, 3-8 pages per week.
Recital pieces, always memorized.
See Current Rates tab for pricing
Payment is due on the 1st of every month August-June (unless you paid the whole semester/year at once). Payments are the same every month no matter how many lessons there are. As a reminder, an invoice will be sent at least 2 days before the start of each month.
If payment is not made by the 10th of the month, a late fee of $10 will be added to the regular monthly fee. (You may mail your payment)
*If tuition is late 2 months in a row, you will be required to have a credit card on file with me so payments can be withdrawn automatically each month.
Make checks payable to Kellie Edick.
I reserve the right to give myself a raise every year in the Fall.
I don’t offer a sibling discount.
Students will be required to move from 30 min to 45 min lessons once they have graduated to Movement 2 in their method books. This will allow additional time to teach more advanced theory and technique. In some cases, I may recommend 45 min lessons earlier. 60 min lessons will be recommended for students who finish method books and continue on to advanced repertoire.
A calendar will be sent each semester with important dates (holidays, breaks, studio closure, group classes, recitals). Each Semester includes 15 lessons, 2 group classes and 1 recital. Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings classes are 15 weeks with one recital per year. Click here for Studio Calendar.
Annual Registration Fee
$25 per student ($15 each additional student in family). This fee will be invoiced at the End of April and is due by May 10th.
Missed Lessons
24-hour notice needs to be given for a missed lesson to be made up. If less than 24-hour notice is given, the lesson will not be made up. You are only allowed 2 make-up lessons during each semester (this includes illness) so please plan accordingly. No refunds will be given for missed lessons. If I have to cancel lessons for any reason, you will be given a make-up. No make-ups allowed for scheduled make-up lessons.
Sick Students
Please do not attend lessons if you are sick. This includes: vomiting, fever, head colds, persistent coughing, sneezing or runny nose. Essentially, if your child stays home from school due to illness, do not bring them to lessons. Please be respectful of me, my family, and my other students. I will allow one short notice make-up for sickness each semester. I will be flexible when it comes to chronic illness, just talk to me.
Winter weather
If school is canceled due to winter weather conditions, you have two options. You may come to lessons if the weather has cleared by the time of your lesson, or you may choose to stay home and schedule a make-up lesson. You MUST let me know what your choice is at least one hour before your lesson time or you will not receive a make-up lesson. In case of very severe weather I will close the studio. Please check your email or text before coming to lessons during inclimate weather conditions.
Drop Procedure
PARENTS MUST NOTIFY ME TO DROP A STUDENT FROM LESSONS by phone or email at least 30 days in advance to give me time to find another student to fill the lesson spot. Note: You are responsible for payment for your student's lessons WHETHER OR NOT YOUR STUDENT ATTENDS LESSONS during those 30 days. Please do not rely on your student to verbally let me know that he/she will no longer be attending lessons. If a student stops coming to lessons without notification, then that student's account will be charged for regular tuition.
I have the right to discontinue teaching any student who portrays inappropriate conduct or who fails to respect the studio policy.
Parent communication
Parents are expected to read all studio emails. If you contact me with questions I have already answered in a studio email, you will be referred to that email. I will text parents for individual scheduling. I also us the Remind app to send blanket text messages with short reminder, but the bulk of information is in the emails, so please make sure you are receiving emails from Kellie's Piano Studio.
New books will be given as students finish their current books. The amount for the new books will be included in the next invoice.
Summer Lessons
Students are expected to take lessons year round (Mid August through mid June). The required summer session is 4 weeks. Please check the studio calendar and let me know about your summer vacations by the end of May so we can schedule make-up lessons if needed. There are also 4 weeks of optional summer lessons. The dates for these will change each year depending on my family plans.
All students are required to have a metronome by the end of the third month of lessons.
Studio Recitals
Two studio recitals will be held each year for private students. Let's Play Music classes have one recital per year. Sound Beginnings do not have recitals.
Group Classes
Group master classes will be attended twice a semester by all private piano students. These classes will be held at my home in the place of a regular lesson that week. Students will be assigned to a class grouped by age/level.
Group classes will be similar to a master class. Each student will play one to two pieces of music, usually from memory. I will give students performance tools and guidelines.
After everyone has had a chance to play, including myself (if time allows), we will play music games to strengthen the students' knowledge of theory. I also like to include short instruction on the four major musical time periods, how each period has its own unique style and which composers are from each era. These periods are: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary.
I expect approximately 30 minutes of practicing every day from all but the earliest and/or youngest beginners. Older/advancing students should practice 45-60 minutes per day.
Parents and Siblings
Parents are invited to sit in on lessons occasionally. Please do not bring siblings not enrolled in lessons unless you have special circumstances that you have told me about ahead of time. Siblings who have lessons scheduled back to back should bring a quiet activity to do while waiting. Parents are not invited to group lessons.
Lessons begun late will still end on time. If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late to a 30 min lesson or 22 minutes late to a 45 min lesson, that lesson will be forfeit. Instead of arriving “on time,” try arriving 5 minutes early. Also, please do not enter more than 5 minutes early as this disrupts the prior students' lesson.
Students who are not practicing or making progress will be put on probation, and dropped if improvement is not made.
Piano Maintenance
There is a saying, "You are only as good as your instrument!" Please have your acoustic pianos tuned yearly. Students will be more willing to practice on an instrument that is in tune and hearing correct pitches is imperative for ear training. Students who are advancing in piano will benefit from a high quality instrument. If you have a student who is late intermediate to advanced, you may consider upgrading your piano.
If your check bounces, you will be charged a $5 fee and you will be required to pay with cash or electronic means going forward.
Students are expected to keep their nails trimmed.
No food or gum allowed in the studio.
Remember to work with your child in setting up a daily practice schedule as soon as each new season approaches, whether it is the school year or summer vacation. A “set time” each day will help them remember without constantly having to be reminded and will also help ensure that you are getting your money’s worth out of music lessons.
The study of music is rewarding and enjoyable, but it is also work! As you know, your child will only be as committed as you are.
If you have any questions or concerns, I will be happy to discuss them with you.
Respectfully, Kellie Edick